Remember, the idea is to retire from work, not retire from life.
But that doesn’t need to be that way, because your financial future is not something totally beyond your control.
Whatever your stage of life, we can create a plan for your retirement which includes how you will fund your pension payments and finding the most suitable investments to generate the pension income you require.
By ‘suitable’ we mean that full account must be taken of your personal risk profile which is a combination of three elements:
- Your willingness to take risk, which is your mindset, or attitude, to risk.
- Your need to take risk, which is determined by how much income you want from the resources you can call on; and
- Your ability to take risk, also known as your capacity for loss: the most important of the three.
We can advise on budgeting, and identifying assets to liquidate or amalgamate, to free up funds to increase the size of your pension pot.
Life is out there, whether you are retired or not. The important thing is to have the income you need to enjoy it to the full.