Garry has been involved in financial services since 1990. He has worked for one of the UK’s largest insurance companies in both Stirling and Edinburgh in a technical sales and marketing role dealing exclusively with key Independent Financial Adviser firms.
Garry currently sits on The Board as a non Executive Director of The Personal Finance Society (PFS), which is part of The Chartered Insurance Institute. (www.thepfs.org) the UK’s leading professional body for financial advisers.
Garry is very proud to have been appointed President of the PFS in 2012. The PFS is the largest professional body for the financial services community in the UK with over 34,000 members. The PFS is part of the Chartered Insurance Institute with over 112,000 members worldwide, with aRoyal Charter granted in 1912 “to secure and justify the confidence of the public” which is as relevant today.
Garry holds the Diploma in Financial Planning from the Chartered Insurance Institute as well as other specialist advice subjects including the Advanced Investment Planning and Long Term Care. Garry is currently studying towards Chartered Financial Planner status.
Garry lives locally with his wife Chelanne and their two young sons Josh and Ben. Garry enjoys a good work life balance and in his spare time enjoys spending time doing family activities in particular sailing and canoeing at Loch Venachar in the summer months and skiing.
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