We understand that now may be a worrying time for you. If you have any concerns or questions, please get in touch with us. We’ll be pleased to talk to you about your financial planning and investments.
Online meetings with HK Wealth
With the current restrictions in place and HK Wealth working from home, as well as telephone conversations we are also able to operate online meetings using Zoom which incorporates screen sharing facilities.
Zoom is easy to use and is ideal for sharing the cashflow planning software using the screen sharing facilities.
If you’ve not used Zoom before, we’ve put together a guide to using the video meeting app. Or, if you’d prefer a video guide, please click here.
We hope you find this guide helpful and please do let us know if you have any queries regards this.
If this blog has raised any questions why don't we have a quick chat?

MD & Certified Financial Planner
A brief meeting might be of interest, especially if you’re unsure just how wealth management and financial planning could help you.
It would only require the investment of an hour or so of your time, and the coffee’s not bad either.