What are the implications of the Scottish budget and its tax changes?
Finance Minister Derek Mackay delivered the draft budget for Scotland on Thursday 14th December, outlining the Scottish National Party’s financial plans for the year ahead regarding tax, health and social care, business and a range of other areas. Most significant amongst the changes announced was the plan to move Scotland to a five-band income tax system.
The Finance Minister has said that the shift will mean lower earners will be paying less than anywhere else in the UK, whilst higher earners will be paying more, and that nobody whose income is under £33,000 will pay more tax than they do now. Whilst the figures are yet to be finalised as Holyrood will need to vote on the proposals, it’s clear that there will be few taxpayers in Scotland who won’t see a change in their finances if Mr. Mackay’s budget goes ahead.
The new system will see those earning between £11,850 and £13,850 pay the starter rate of 19 pence per pound. Those earning from £13,851 to £24,000 will pay a penny more at 20p on the basic rate, with a new intermediate rate of 21p for people earning between £24,001 and £44,273. The higher rate, paid by those earning from £44,274 to £150,000, will be 41p, up from the current rate of 40p. Those earning above £150,000 will also see a penny increase from 45p to 46p on the additional rate they are charged.
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