HK Wealth Autumn Budget 2017 Overview | HK Wealth

HK Wealth Autumn Budget 2017 Overview

History was made yesterday as the first Autumn Budget was delivered to Parliament.

People were keen to hear which policies Mr Hammond would reveal to keep his commitment of delivering a strong, fair and resilient economy.

Read the Budget Summary with all the key points and their implications by clicking on the button below:

If you have any questions or queries about how the announcements will affect your financial planning, do get in touch.

If this blog has raised any questions why don't we have a quick chat?

Garry Hale
Garry Hale
MD & Certified Financial Planner

A brief meeting might be of interest, especially if you’re unsure just how wealth management and financial planning could help you.

It would only require the investment of an hour or so of your time, and the coffee’s not bad either.